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Product testers wanted!- Spring Deal-two games for the price of one.

Yeah- Spring is officially here! One of my favorite things about spring, is the flowers popping up everywhere! Well there are spring deals popping up all over my website as as well! If you are interested in trying out my Romantic Consulting side of the business, this is the time to try it- 50% any Event Planning, Month of Dates planned out or helping in Planning a Romantic Get Away for March and April- with the coupon code SPRINGFLING in the subject line of your email/ questionnaire!

I love spring and I want you to have a wonderful spring fling(s) with your spouse! So- drum roll...for the rest of March- And April I have a special offer going on where you get two- sport games for couples for the price of one! This will include-my new game just finished this month: One on One - Flirty and Dirty Basketball Game and my most popular game -The Baseball Game of Love. For $15.00 you will receive both games printed, packaged and ready to play, plus free shipping. I would also ask that after playing these games that you post a review on my website- you can do it anonymously if you want. I also would love to hear feedback about the games (no details please:)-and any suggestions you might have through email!


Are you tired of not seeing your husband during March Madness season? Checkout my new couple's game and he will love being in your court for the rest of the season!

One on One- Flirty & Dirty Basketball Game, where you are sure to both SCORE BIG! This game has 20 interactive cards- where you read the cards and perform the actions while the other person is shooting. The person who gets the most points wins and gets to pick the winning position. This game is full of fun, flirting, for-play and even some "foul play"!

The Baseball Game of Love : You play with your favorite teammate/spouse and this game includes 33 baseball themed interactive cards, and a breast cancer awareness ball/dice. You are trying to make it to all the bases and the bases are loaded with for-play! Don't worry, after playing this you are guaranteed a home-run score! This game is unique in that it has at least one card to do with the 5 love languages and focuses on the intimate relationship as whole. Husbands especially love this game- especially if they love baseball!

This deal will not last long so hurry and order your games now! I look forward to hearing from you.

Sign up to get great deals and discounts + get 30 Free Romantic Love Languages Tips,
from Josie The Romance Coach

All information received is confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

If you are interested or would like more information please email me at josie@romanceenhanced. com

or call me at 435-757-8229. However I will not start working on your event/ date  until full payment is received.  

I hope to hear from you soon.

Romance Enhanced Consulting

Lehi, UT


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