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Husbands I have the perfect gift for your wife for Mother's Day-that she will LOVE~

*This product is not for your mother, but your amazing wife:)

Do you realize how much your wife does for you and for your children every single day? If you were to make a list- In most cases it would take up a few pages. Mother's day is a month away! Are you ready? Do you have something, not just for your mom, but for your wife as well-?

So why not completely surprise her with this intimate bedroom game, that is sure to amaze her for Mother's Day. In this game you will be able to completely spoil, and show her in unique intimate ways how much you appreciate her! She deserves the extra pampering and spoiling!

This game is in my holiday bedroom game collection and is called "Sexy Wife, May I". It is like the childhood game "Mother May I", except soooo much better! I guarantee that she will adore this game and adore you for getting it. I promise you, your wife will be completely WOWED by this gift! All you have to do is purchase it and follow the instructions on the cards. - Your welcome!

You can call me at 435-757-8229, or personal message me though Facebook, or email me at romanceehanceconsulting@gmail.com

if you are interested.

This game is $20.00 and is ready to play and ready to give to your wife as a gift. It will be packaged and shipped to you for free once it is purchased. Bonus: If you purchase the game before May- It is included in my spring fling sale which is everything in my site is half off- which is an amazing deal of $10.00 for you.

The game consists of 28 creative designed cards that you will read and ask "Sexy wife may I": give you a back massage,or may I do a household chore for you... Your wife will say yes or no and with each card it will progress to being more and more intimate! The best part is she gets to decide where she wants to take the night. The object is to spoil your wife. I also included a few blank cards for you (or your wife) to write your favorite favors that you know she loves.

This game is unique in that focuses completely on all aspects of the female sexual response;warm-up, desire, arousal, orgasm, and the sweet after glow.

It also has many cards that focus on all five love languages. It has loads of physical touch, lots of words of affirmations, quality time, acts of service and the whole present is a gift to her. I am positive she will never forget this gift and love you for finding such a thoughtful gift. You will be seen as wonderful in her eyes and she will be completely spoiled for all that she does for you and your kids. It is a win- win for both you and your wife.

It will also help you connect with her emotionally and physically- which is what many women crave with intimacy! This game is perfect because it gives women the needed time to warm up and have the desire necessary to truly enjoy the amazing evening you have planned with her. You have probably heard the common sex comparison of women are like a oven vs men are like microwaves . In general females are like an an oven sexually;slow to warm up but once it is preheated, it puts out a a lot of constant heat and is slow to cool down. Where males are a microwave and ready in a few minutes. This example may not be the case for everyone but this game will definitely help put your wife in the right mood with lots of foreplay designed just for her.

*If you are female reading this and feel like this is just what you want your husband to get you for mothers day- then let me know and I will try and contact your hubby and drop some hints. :)

Josie McEwen- Romantic Consultant


or personal message me though Facebook

*as always your information you give will

never be sold or given away.

If you are interested in learning the secrets to the female sexual response to help satisfy your wife and need some good resources I would highly recommend Laura Brotherson's books-

"And They Were Not Ashamed"

Knowing Her Intimately!


Sign up to get great deals and discounts + get 30 Free Romantic Love Languages Tips,
from Josie The Romance Coach

All information received is confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

If you are interested or would like more information please email me at josie@romanceenhanced. com

or call me at 435-757-8229. However I will not start working on your event/ date  until full payment is received.  

I hope to hear from you soon.

Romance Enhanced Consulting

Lehi, UT


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