Easy Romantic Gift Ideas For The Love Language Of Gifts
Love Languages made Easy by a Romance Coach!
If two people are speaking different languages, communication can be difficult. This true in marriages as well with how you receive and give love in your marriage as well! I love Gary Chapman's Book The Five Love Languages ™ , where he describes 5 basic Love Languages Physical Touch, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and acts of service. I personally think there is one more and that is to be romantic.:)
I get it-It is not always easy to learn or speak a different language. Learning how to speak your spouse's Love Language is hard as well, especially when it does not come naturally. The truth is being able to speak each other's love language is vital to having deep connection and love in your marriage.
As a marriage coach, I love to help couples reconnect and find deeper love with in their marriage.
This blog post will help you to be able to easily speak the Love Language of Gifts. People with the Love Language of Gifts feel loved by receiving thoughtful gifts and often love to give gifts as well!
Here are 10 Easy and Fun ways to show the Love Languages of Gifts this month-
Get a Basketball Themed Bedroom Game Date for a Fun March Madness Gift! Hurry this Basketball date night kits are on sale for 20% off in honor of March Madness going on now!
In this Basketball Themed Date: You get everything you need to pull off a basketball party for two.
In this date you will get:
🏀Romantic Themed Basketball Décor'
🏀Light Refreshments and Decorative containers,
🏀And The Flirty Dirty Basketball Bedroom Game & Mini Basketball Hoop from Romance Enhanced Consulting!
This game will have you both laughing and having flirty fun together as you try and distract your spouse from making their shot by following the cards provided in this game.
Buy a new air freshener for their car
Write a sweet and or encouraging note and leave it somewhere unexpected for your spouse to see like in their car or on their computer! This is a simple and sweet gift that will bring a smile to your spouse and help to brighten their day!
Thoughtful Tuesday Gift Idea: Make them their favorite hot chocolate or other favorite hot drink and cuddle up by a fire together!
Give them a massage- they choose wear! For a done for you massage gift- checkout you The Night Of Massage Bedroom Game at: https://www.romanceenhanced.com/product-page/night-of-massage-bedroom-game
Thoughtful Tuesday Gift Ideas: Go shopping with them to places they want to go! Or send them on shopping spree- to spoil themselves!
Kissing is my favorite!!!! If you love kissing then this is the perfect bedroom game for you!!!! It is like Charades but you have to guess what your spouse is saying through their kisses!!! https://www.romanceenhanced.com/product-page/kiss-and-tell
Make a playlist for them of your songs together or if certain songs remind you of them and tell them about it or surprise them by playing it in their car.
Thoughtful Tuesday Gift Idea: Find a sweet and simple way to surprise your sweetheart today! If your spouse loves surprises, call or text them and tell them you have a surprise for them today! Let the anticipation build. Another way to make the surprise even better is to blind fold them and lead them to the surprise. *surprise them with fun and sexy bedroom game kit from Romance Enhanced Consulting;) Get a done for you surprise that your sweetheart will love at : https://www.romanceenhanced.com/romantic-date-and-room-experience

Thoughtful Tuesday Romantic Gift Ideas. Surprise your wife and bring her home flowers just because and tell her you were thinking about her. She will love this romantic and thoughtful gift and gesture! *Plus flowers are a lot less expensive now then on Valentine’s Day.
For more thoughtful and romantic gift ideas for any occasion checkout www.romanceenhanced.com/shop
Click here To get 30 Free more easy and romantic physical touch ideas go to:
I will also be posting these daily physical touch tips every Monday- for my Magical Monday Physical Touch Tips on my social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Romantic Gift Ideas:
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You also may be interested in a Free Marriage Webinar where a Romance Coach compares owning a car to marriage and how they both need continual maintenance and care! Click her e to register for the FREE Marriage webinar
At Romance Enhance Consulting we really strive to make Romance Easy-even if you are not the romantic type~ We have done for you romantic gifts that are created with strengthening your marriage and intimate relationship in mind.
Josie the Romance Coach has created 7 Bedroom games that focus on all the love languages and also on physical and emotional connection. Emotional Connection is what most women crave with intimacy and it is all laid out for you in these romantic bedroom games. Their are romantic gifts designed just for him and romantic gifts designed just for her
Josie the Romance Coach also loves to plan Romantic Anniversary Dates and love to find and plan Romantic Getaways Deals for married couples as well! The most favorite romantic service that she provides is the Year of Romance Package- where you get romantic gifts and dates sent to you all year within the US for all the important holidays through the year!
I would love for you to share this with your spouse or friends or family that could benefit from it as well!
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